May 31, 2021
Summary of the highlights and additions of the May 12th workshop with the Brussels Imagination Club.
I am grateful for the opportunity given by the Brussels Imagination Club to run an experiment about Inner Child Work.
The subject in itself, “Inner Child Work” seems to frighten many people. Because of its vulnerable character, it makes them feel unsafe. Because they fear revealing something about themselves. So, I tried another type of title i.e. “Childhood Wounding and the Imposter Syndrome”. And yes, that seems to attract attention. You know what? Let me know why you think that this title is implying a safer place to hold this topic… send me a message.
Now, many successful people, professionals and others, suffer from anxiety and self doubt despite evidence of success of the work they deliver....
April 1st, 2021
3Keys work combines an affective, or right brain, approach, cognitive analysis techniques and action-setting. We believe that this combination is highly effective because it not only helps our clients become aware of and discuss the patterns they wish to be free of but also, crucially, drills right down to the core beliefs informing these patterns, and enables clients to reprogram them.
Tuesday, April 27th 2021
Inner Path is an organisation that works with leaders who are ready to grow into a more mature leadership that enables them to rise in organisational power and influence. They are ready to be entrusted with important institutional decisions having impact on the entire organisation, particularly in times of turbulence and complexity.